ћакарова Ћ.Ѕ.
г. ќрЄл, школа є18


я работаю в обычной школе, но в классах с углублЄнным изучением английского ¤зыка. √лавным в своей работе считаю развитие и поддержание интереса к своему предмету. я стараюсь использовать различные приЄмы, формы, методы, с помощью которых изучение английского ¤зыка становитс¤ интересным и увлекательным.

ѕроведение праздников, конкурсов, вызывают огромный интерес у школьников. ¬ данной статье ¤ хочу рассказать об одном из таких праздников.

”частниками праздника-конкурса ¤вл¤ютс¤ как отдельные учащиес¤, так и команды от классов.

ѕеред праздником дети и родители готовили сувениры, подарки, открытки, читали о празднике в газетах, журналах, книгах; знакомились с традици¤ми проведени¤ этого праздника в јнглии и —Ўј; учили стихи, песни, украшали кабинет. ”ченики 3 УЅФ класса подготовили сценку о —анта  лаусе и эльфах. Ќа праздник пригласили родителей, гостей из јмерики и  анады, которые также организовали игры-конкурсы. ”частники праздника получали фанты за каждый конкурс, а победители получили сладкие медали и рождественские сувениры. ” нас осталс¤ видеофильм об этом весЄлом –ождестве. ¬ести праздник помогали ученики 11 класса.



—ценарий праздника-конкурса

Teacher:Dear children and guests! On the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas Ц a beautiful holiday, which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated with lights and toys; when we see Christmas trees everywhere; when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties! And weТll celebrate this holiday now!

I want to introduce our guests: meet Andrew Ц he is from USA Ц and Heather Ц she is from Canada. Your parents have also come to us. Elena Ivanovna Ц a teacher of English, will help me, and the girls from the 11th form will help me too.

Today weТll have an English contest Ц all the tasks will be connected with Christmas. WeТll play games, sing songs, recite poems Ц so I hope that weТll enjoy this holiday, and have a good time.

So I wish you good luck! Everyone will get a forfeit for the best result in each competition, and at the end weТll see who is the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, which group is better, and of course youТll get presents.

LetТs start!

WeТve learnt a song about Christmas. LetТs sing it!

Children sing a song УMerry Christmas, everyone!Ф by Shaken Steavens from the album УEnjoy listening and learningФ.


Teacher:Christmas begins with cards. Some of you also have prepared Christmas cards. All of you, who drew them, got forfeits. We decided to give additional forfeits for the best cards.

The children prepared Christmas cards beforehand, they were displayed in the classroom on the walls and everybody saw them.

Contest 1:

IТll show you groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this word, please!

1. Turkey, goose, pudding, nuts, oranges, pears, eggs.

2. Sleigh, Santa Claus, snow-flake, winter, Christmas tree, butterfly.

3. Christmas, pudding, turkey, cracker, tinsel, sleigh, wreath, Easter.

4. Tinsel, bulb, stocking, mistletoe, gift, sleigh, holly, jelly, decorate.

Game 1:

УPin the Tail on the Donkey.Ф LetТs play a little. Here is a Donkey, but it has no tail.

Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the Donkey. ItТs not so easy, because you cannot see Ц you have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the tail to the right place is the winner.

Game 2:

УThe Field of Wonders.Ф IТll give you one verb Ц IТll write it on the blackboard. You must make up sentences with this verb in the right tense form Ц insert it in the empty squares.

Here are the squares on the blackboard and each of you will get a piece of paper with such a field. Who wants to play this game Ц take a УfieldФ (a piece of paper), please!

Game 3:

УPass the ParcelФ: here is something wrapped in a lot of the papers. YouТll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. Then music starts again. The person who takes the last piece off wins the prize.

Children play the game УPass the ParcelФ.

Contest 2:

Now IТll give you one word. You must in a minuteТs time write as many words as possible with the letters of this word. Take pieces of paper! Take pens, pencils. Be ready. Look at this word Ц УPoinsettiaФ! Start, please!

Game 4:

You know that children get presents from the socks or stockings. You must guess what presents are in them. If you are right then youТll take the presents, who wants to play?

We have presents Ц apples, pears, candies, nuts etc. Ц in three socks hanging over the Уfire-placeФ.

Teacher:There are a lot of poems about Christmas. I know that some of you have learnt them. If you want to recite it Ц do, please!

Children recite poems about Christmas.

You know that Christmas is connected with presents. The pupils of the 3rd form prepared you a present too Ц the play about Santa Claus. Please, my dears, act!

Contest 3:

It is a tradition with English children to have the following contest. That is why IТll give you one word Ц УChristmasФ, and you are to speak for a minute about it without a break. If you stop, youТll loose this contest. Who wants to begin?

Children speak about Christmas one after another for one minute only.

Game 5:

Here are apples and water. You must catch the apple without using hands in a bowl of water.

Contest 4:

Now youТll listen to the descriptions of some holidays recorded on the tape. IТll give you pieces of paper and the names of the holidays. You can see the squares near them. While listening write the number of each text. (The text is from the book In Britain.)

Contest 5:

LetТs guess the riddles about Christmas!


1. It is a holiday which is celebrated on the 25th of December. (Christmas)

2. It is an old man who comes from the North Pole on his sledge and brings presents to everybody at Christmas. (Santa Claus)

3. It is decorated with lights, and toys, and tinsel, and it is in all the houses and in squares. (Green tree)

4. It is a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas, as they find presents in it in the morning. (Stocking)

5. It is a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. They think that if they all take part in mixing it, they will be happy. (Pudding)

6. It is a thing which people hang on the door of the house or a flat. (Wreath)

Teacher:So itТs time to finish our party! I want to tell you the results of our contest. (All the winners get presents Ц sweets, chocolate medals.)

Let me thank our guests. Merry Christmas, dears! I wish you good health, good luck! Here are small presents for everybody! Thank you!

Every participant gets a present Ц a cracker with chocolate.

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